The Bitterne Ward panel will support the Community Development Foundation to achieve its aims and Objectives, by supporting local ward projects and promoting a sense of ownership not only of the problems but of the local opportunities and recourses within the ward. It will also promote the start-up of new groups as well as revitalise existing groups.
Our Community Plan for year 2014-15 Is: The panel will introduce a new approach to funding project by leveraging time, money and other resources, supporting and assisting projects to play a leading role in regenerating their local area. The panel will recommend project funding applications to the CDF in March 2014, community groups will be made aware of the priorities, The panel will partner will also advertise funding to community groups in the Thornhill Today magazine, which distributed to 4,500 homes, business’s an community facilities within the Bitterne Ward.
The panel will have its own appraisal form when considering application, although the CDF provide templates for application the panel have designed their own appraisal form with a scoring system, the form covers: Project Name, Who can apply, What can the grant be used for. Requirements and Restrictions. Panel Member Conflict of Interest declaration. Reason Conflict of Interest. Reason for Declaration. Criteria Checklist. Contributions to match funding.
The Bitterne Ward panel will : Prioritise, identify and address the needs of the Bitterne ward; Encourage groups and projects to have sense of pride and community spirit within the Bitterne ward; Encourage local ward residents and groups to help themselves and others, To enable groups the opportunity to express their needs and to influence the decisions made within the ward. To promote local residents and groups to take control of resources, to build enhance confidence, capability. To promote partnership working between other community, voluntary organisations, statutory bodies and agencies, Offer support and to promote best practice for local residents, community groups and agencies. Give freely its expertise of the locality to those providing or delivering services within the Bitterne Ward. Below is the timeline for the activities of the Bitterne Ward Panel which forms part of the annual plan 2014-2015.
Membership of the Bitterne Ward panel: The Bitterne Ward Funding Panel is made up of representatives who live, work or represent those residents living within the Bitterne Ward area of Southampton.
Your panel members are:
Sandra Jordan (Ward Resident & Panel Chair),
Trixie Neilson (Ward Resident),
Kris Holland (Ward Resident),
Shirlee Ashby (Ward Resident)
Bob White (Ward Resident & Business Representative)
Cllr Mary Lloyd (Southampton City Council Councillor for the Bitterne Ward)
Mike Allott (Plus You LtD) Panel Partner.
All panel members can be contacted through Mike Allott Panel Partner on 02380 405 728 or or
The role of the panel members is to appraise funding applications made to the Community Development Foundation (CDF), once those application are appraised the application will be sent to CDF for final approval. If you live in the Bitterne Ward and would like to become a panel member please contact Mike Allott (panel Partner) on 02380 405 728 or E:mail or
The Bitterne Ward Community Funding Panel 2014-15 The panel are now accepting applications for funding from community groups and projects operating within the Bitterne Ward. This year the funding programme has £5,654 waiting to be allocated to community groups or projects working locally. Whether you are a constituted community group that has been operating for years, or a newly formed group, the panel would like you to apply.
After consultation with 103 local residents the Bitterne Ward funding panel has identified 6 priorities for funding in 2014-15 and will consider applications from community groups working to: 1.Increase the Night-Time Activities for Young People, 2.Bring Different Communities Closer Together, 3.Improve the Health of Residents within the Ward, 4.Increase Support for Older People, 5.Address Graffiti or Vandalism issues, 6.Improve a Green Space or Park. The results are as follows 54 residents requested increased night time activities for young people. 0 residents requested bringing different communities together. 2 residents requested improving health projects for other residents within the ward 15 residents requested increased support for older people 4 residents requested projects that tackled graffiti and vandalism 8 residents requested improve the green space in the area 8 residents requested projects that improved green space 8 residents requested projects that improved roads/parking within the ward, 4 residents didn’t care what the panel did.
45 residents were aware of the Bitterne Ward Funding Panel. 28 residents were members of constituted community groups operating within the Bitterne ward.
12 residents were members of constituted community groups operating outside of the Bitterne ward.
Before applying please contact Mike Allott (Panel Partner) enusre your group/project operates within the Bitterne Ward boundary.
Successful applicants will receive funding after the 1st April 2014 which will have to be spent before 31st March 2015.
If you are a member of a community group that operates within the Bitterne Ward and would like to apply for grant funding please contact Mike Allott on Tel: 02380 405 728 or E:mail or Successful applicants will receive funding after the 1st April 2014 which will have to be spent 31st March 2015 The closing date for completed applications is 5pm on Friday 10th January 2014.