In April 2001 Thornhill successfully secured £48.7 million of Government funding through the New Deal for Communities programme to regenerate the area under five key themes; Health, Education, Employment, Crime and the Living Environment.
In the 10 years that followed, the community of Thornhill were the recipients of many initiatives, targeted at social economic regeneration as well as regenerating the built environment. Much has changed in Thornhill for the better, crime rates have reduced, resident’s health has improved, and educational attainment has gone up. However one area that still remains stubborn, with the current climate not helping is social economic inactivity (worklessness). There are still high percentages of families in Thornhill dependant on the benefits system. Much of this can be attributed to ill mental/physical health.
In the early days of the New Deal for Communities Programme (Thornhill Plus You), Government recommended that a succession strategy for the end of the 10 year programme be put in place. The purpose of this was to ensure the continued regeneration and benefit to the community of Thornhill. Plus You Limited a Limited Charity is the vehicle that will deliver the succession strategy, continuing to ensure that Thornhill goes from strength to strength.